Norvig Web Data Science Award

show what you can do with 3 billion web pages
by SURFsara and CommonCrawl

You can apply if you are a resident of Belgium, the Netherlands or Luxembourg. You need to study or be employed at an university, hogeschool or research institute to be eligible for the prizes.

We allow a small number of non-academic teams for the Benelux. These teams will not be elegible for the prizes, but will be able to use the SURFsara Hadoop cluster for the duration of the contest.

Important note: We allow a limited amount of applicants, so we can guarantee availability of the data and computing resources. We also reserve the right to deny access to all applicants at any stage in the process.

Send an email (using your organizational email address) to, and include the following information:

  • Your full name
  • Your affiliation (organization, department, group)
  • Your position
  • Your telephone number
  • Your Github account name (see why at Submit Results)

If you apply with more than one person, you need to send these details for each member of your team. Teams can have a maximum of three members.

If your application is approved we will send you instructions on how to proceed. If your application is denied for whatever reason, we will let you know as well.